The first episode of the series tells the story of Mike Lee and his culinary collective Studiofeast, a group creating unique gastronomic experiences that connect people and inspire them to cook for themselves. Centered around Studiofeast’s ‘Last Meal Dinner,‘ the film also features New Yorkers of all walks of life responding to the question: ‘If you were to die tomorrow, what would be your last meal?’
Producers | Artem Agafonov & Erik Shirai
Director & DP | Erik Shirai
Editor | Frederick Shanahan & Hazuki Aikawa
Grip | Melvin Pukowsky
Sound Mixer | Richard Levengood, Greg Sextro, Wade Vantrease, Jennifer Ruffalo
Original Music | Daniel Rosen and Guilty Ghost
Graphics | Daniel Offinger
Colorist | Lee Miton